Thanks for the text. I have not read the book but I find it interesting for my future writings about civilisationism as in relation to the far-right.

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Yeah, we people grow when we meet eachother and exchange ideas from one another.

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One could add the European admiration for China in the 18th century, with the copying of their notion of "civil servant", with classic education and all.

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A great question Oskar. What is a civilization and a society??

Yes, you can wonder. Is an anthill a community? Or a beehive?

They organized for and with each other. A building with a heating system and shared housekeeping. They communicate where the food is. They have different roles. Some fans for the right temperature for the eggs. Bees have a single mother who gives birth to new life

The Swedish word society is derived from the Latin "societas," which means "society" or "association".

The German "Gemeinschaft" is characterized by the fact that people's actions are determined by an essential will that has its origin in the true nature of man and society as experienced in a family, a kindred, a neighborhood or in a nation with great cohesion and uniformity.

"The human person" then constitutes the very foundation, cause and goal of all social institutions.

Economics then depicts a social event between people, for people and the common good.

What then would civil society stand for? A higher civilization would then contain an ability to create together for and with each other. A peaceful community. Leadership as a benefactor.

How does it start once? In an ancient time when people start helping each other. If someone broke his leg, he was helpless and could die if no one helped him for healing.

Being able to use the hands to e.g. using tools required both care and ingenuity. Dependence to nature was the beginning of an economic livelihood.

After the time of agricultural-hunting-fishing societies. In Sweden, developing mill communities into local communities was a next step. The mills that became successful carried a mill spirit where good living conditions formed an important basis. But there were those who remained in poverty for the village.

We can also count the monastery's function in spiritual, social and economic provision. The large church building provoked the development of crafts, art and construction.

Against this came paths that disturb the relationship between man and social development.

The Continental Congress of the United States appointed a committee to design a seal as the city coat of arms of the United States after adopting the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

Heraldry breathes a long-term revolution in the world and not an aspiration for a higher civilization and democratic order but more about a dominion in the world. The seal depicts a pyramid of economic world order. The year indicates MDCCLXXVI

The market economy was added during the 18th century when liberalism came with the industrial revolution.

The ties were broken between nature, the functioning of society and man as the target of development. The freedom of the individual is emphasized for a time. After that, the freedom of the market takes over and people, society and nature are means for the profit interests.

A civil divide now exists between East and West.

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